Thursday, August 20, 2020

6 Home schooling Tips that every parent should know


Parents always get worried when their school going children are at home for holidays or times when there’s a pandemic preventing children from going to school. They always wonder how they would effectively help their children learn. There is nothing to worry about parents! When it comes to homeschooling, the role of the parent is not to teach but to facilitate learning. Remember, you are a parent to your child but not a teacher. There is no need to stress yourself with algebra and the like!

However, there are several tips that a parent can use to facilitate learning at home;

1.      1. Know the capabilities of your child

Children are different. They therefore learn differently. There are the slow learners and the fast learners. There are also those children who learn well when alone while others learn well while in groups. As a parent, you therefore need to know whether your child is lone learner or a group learner. For those who like learning in groups, try to arrange sessions with a classmate or a sibling so as they can learn together. For those who do well alone, your work as a parent is to monitor what the child is learning.

2.      2. Stick to a learning routine

Schools learn smoothly since they operate in routine and schedules. As a parent, make sure you set up a daily routine that the children are supposed to follow as they learn. The routine also includes the learning space as well as the locations. For those who have home compounds, you can set up a routine where the child can learn outside rather than being indoors all the time. The routine makes the children know what they are supposed to do every day hence instilling self-drive in them.

3.      3. Make use of online resources

We are living in a digital world. Although some might think that the internet is not all that good for young children, the good news is, the internet has vast resources that can aid learning at home. For instance, if as a parent you have no idea of making a timetable, the internet can help you with that! Again, the children might not have all the textbooks needed and you might not be in a position to buy them. The internet therefore comes in to help where you can check the curriculum online and then look up for the resources that your child can use to learn that matches the curriculum.

4.      4. Let the child act as the teacher

Here, you are supposed to identify the subject area the child is supposed to study from your home made timetable. Then guide the child in doing all the activities that are related to the subject. Again, present all the resources needed for the learning activities to your child. After the child does all the activities required, then he/she can present to you whatever they have done. Make sure you applaud them for the work they do so as to motivate them and make the learning process fun.

5.      5. Limit the time the child is in front of a screen

As parents, we are most of the times compelled to make our kids spend all their time watching cartoon programs on television or playing video games. We feel this is more comfortable as the child will disturb you less. However, this is not right! You should make sure that you set up rules on when your child is on phone or watching TV programs. This may seem difficult to accomplish but it is for the best interest of your child. The more children spend time on screens, the more they become socially isolated which will have a huge impact on them in future.

6.      6. Facilitate passion projects

Every child has a talent. However, with the strict routine that the normal schooling offer, the children do not have a chance to develop the talents. It is therefore important to take advantage of the time the children are at home and develop their special abilities. Such special abilities could be cooking, singing, dancing, drawing among others. If for instance your child has a talent in cooking, make sure you provide all the ingredients they may need to try out their recipes. You never know! Your Child’s talent might make him/her famous and successful in future!!

 All the best parents as you continue homeschooling your kids!!


By Joyce Mwai

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